
Therapeutic Massage

All styles of massage techniques can and will be customized to your current ​condition and requirements. It can be a lighter touch to a deeper therapy and is ​personalized to your unique physical capacity. Your massage treatment includes a ​variety of therapeutic techniques from deep tissue, trigger point therapy, ​stretching and stress-relieving Swedish techniques. The treatment will be geared to ​your individual requirements and focus on creating a customized maintenance plan ​with your long-term health goals in mind.

Prenatal Massage

Pregnant women often feel pain in their lower back, legs or hips and may suffer from swelling. There is evidence that massage can help pregnant women with mental health, low-back pain and labour pain. As with any therapeutic practice, it’s best to consult your doctor or midwife before booking a massage treatment in order to discuss any precautions or concerns specific to your pregnancy. Additionally, Barb has had advanced training in prenatal massage with Trimesters Massage Therapy Education.

A prenatal massage is much like a regular massage, but the therapist will be careful to avoid putting pressure on certain areas and will use unique positions to keep you comfortable and safe.

A prenatal pillow is available for your comfort.

Temperomandibular Joint Dysfunction

(TMJD) Treatment

TMJD presents itself in various forms: TMJ pain, locking of the jaw (trismus), headaches, change in function, etc. The lower jaw (mandible) is a bone that includes two joints and since muscles attach to bone, dysfunction in any of the several muscles of mastication can elicit symptoms. Many factors that lead to TMJD: clenching, grinding, physical trauma, stress, posture, or dental work..

A typical treatment focuses on the muscles of the jaw as well as those of the head and neck. They often have tightness which contributes to the overall dysfunction. Intra-oral work is often indicated as part of the treatment to restore jaw function and decrease pain.


30 minutes: $70

45 minutes: $85

60 minutes: $100

75 minutes: $125

90 minutes: $150

All fees subject to HST.

Payment by Debit, Cash or e-transfer only.


Monday and Wednesday ​2:30 to 6:30pm

Additional hours may be ​added based on demand.

About me

Hi I'm Barb! I'm a Registered Massage Therapist (RMT) in the most ​beautiful city in Canada ---- Kingston!

After a fulfilling career at a bank in Toronto, I was part of a downsizing ​exercise in early 2015. A blessing in disguise since it gave me the ​opportunity to go back to school to pursue my dream career as a ​Registered Massage Therapist. After graduating (with Honours) in 2016 ​from Canadian College of Massage & Hydrotherapy (CCMH) I made my ​way to beautiful Kingston.

I was lucky enough to start my career at the Annex Spa in 2017 and was ​there up until the world changed with the onset of the pandemic. During ​the first lockdown, I was able to take the time to decompress. With the ​support of my partner, we created a private massage clinic in our house ​in the quaint Kingscourt neighbourhood.

Whether you need a therapeutic, relaxation massage or something in ​between, I offer a professional clinical massage in a quiet casual setting. ​Each massage is designed to meet your specific needs incorporating a ​variety of assessment, treatment and self-care techniques best suited to ​your likes and dislikes. I welcome and encourage your input during the ​appointment. It’s definitely a joint effort to get you the results you need ​and deserve!

When I'm not working you may find me at our trailer on Dog Lake, ​playing pickleball, trying my hand at golf or hanging out with my partner ​Frank and our pets (Pixel the beagle x chihuahua and Gracie the scaredy ​cat). And yes...being an RMT is everything I dreamed of!

In good health!


Additional Training:

  • Massage Therapy for Pregnancy - Trimesters
  • Cupping for Manual Therapists - The Cupping ​Revolution
  • Manual Therapy for Temporomandibular Joint ​Dysfunction - ConEd Institute

Get In Touch


Barb Foster RMT

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(343) 333-7222

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